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Kiintiöpakolaisena Suomeen

Quota refugees to Finland

A refugee is a person defined by the UNHCR as a refugee. Finland selects quota refugees from this group. This page provides information for quota refugees.

You can find information on applying for asylum on the InfoFinland page Asylum in Finland.

Quota refugees

You cannot apply to become a quota refugee (kiintiöpakolainen) through Finnish officials. Nor is it possible to suggest another person, such as a friend or a relative, as a quota refugee. As quota refugees, Finland accepts persons who are considered refugees by the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR. Quota refugees are selected from among the persons proposed to Finland by the UNHCR. The Finnish authorities interview the refugees proposed by the UNHCR and, on the basis of these interviews, select the persons who will be admitted to Finland. Such interviews are performed in the refugees’ countries of residence, usually in refugee camps or the UNHCR’s premises.

The Finnish Parliament decides how many refugees are admitted to the country. Finland’s refugee quota in 2024 is 500 persons. Together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of the Interior decides which countries to admit quota refugees from.

Moving to Finland

The website provides a range of information for quota refugees on moving to and living in Finland.

Support for refugees

The Finnish Red Cross helps quota refugees who move to Finland. When refugees arrive in Finland, a Red Cross worker will meet them at the airport. Red Cross volunteer workers also help refugees in settling down and integrating into Finnish society.

Refugees can find help and guidance on legal issues from sources of information such as the Refugee Advice Centre (Pakolaisneuvonta ry) or Legal Aid Offices (oikeusaputoimisto).

The Finnish Refugee Council (Suomen Pakolaisapu ry) is an organisation that strives to promote refugees’ basic rights. This organisation performs communications, educational and social work in Finland. The Refugee Council helps refugees and immigrants with issues such as integration, housing and founding their own organisations.

Link redirects to another websiteRefugee Advice Centre

Legal aid for refugees

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish Refugee Council

Support for refugees

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish Red Cross

Support for refugees

Trauma and mental health

You can seek help and treatment in Finland if you have been in traumatic situations, for example, tortured in your home country, witnessed violence or have had difficult war experiences. Read more on issues related to mental health on the InfoFinland page Mental health.

Link redirects to another websiteHelsinki Deaconess Institute

Centre for Psychotraumatology