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Cost of living in Finland

In Finland, the wages, taxes and cost of living are slightly higher than the EU average. However, many services are funded by tax revenue, which makes them cheaper for the residents than in many other countries.

Affordable or free-of-charge public services


Pre-primary education, comprehensive education and upper secondary education are free of charge in Finland. Studying in Finnish higher education institutes is also usually free of charge. However, if you move to study in Finland from outside the EU and study in English, you have to pay tuition.

The fees for early childhood education depend on the family’s income. In municipal early childhood education, the fees are up to around €300 for your oldest child. If you have several children in early childhood education, you pay less for the younger siblings.

Link redirects to another websiteMinistry of Education and Culture

Client fees for early childhood education

Public health services

If you have a municipality of residence in Finland, you are entitled to use public health services. Prices vary between localities. For example, a doctor’s appointment usually costs about €30 at a health and social services centre and about €70 at an outpatient clinic. Hospital treatment usually costs about €70 per day. Total fees can be up to approximately €760 per year. The services of maternity and child health clinics are free of charge for the client.

People must mostly pay for their medications themselves, but many medications are eligible for partial reimbursement. The reimbursement is paid from tax revenue. Once you have paid approximately €630 for medications during one calendar year, you only need to pay a very low price for them for the rest of the year. This only applies to medications that are eligible for reimbursement.

Read more about the right to use public health services in Finland on the page Health services in Finland.

Link redirects to another websiteMinistry of Social Affairs and Health

Health care client fees

Link redirects to another websiteMinistry of Social Affairs and Health

Pharmacotherapy client fees


The services of libraries are free of charge. The Multilingual Library contains material in over 80 languages. Books of the Multilingual Library can be taken out anywhere in Finland.

Read more on the page Libraries.

Benefits for families with children

If you are permanently residing in Finland, you can apply to Kela for many benefits for families with children.

Read more on the page Financial support for families.

Consumer prices in Finland

What does food cost in Finland?

The price level of private consumption in Finland is approximately 26% higher than the EU average. The cost of living also varies inside Finland.

Alcoholic beverages cost approximately 120% over the EU average.

Some examples of average food prices in Finland (December 2023):

  • 400 g of minced beef: €4
  • 300 g chicken fillet slices: €3
  • 1 kg of cheese: €7.50
  • 1 l of skimmed milk: €0.90
  • 1 l of orange juice: €1.80
  • 1 kg of macaroni: €0.40
  • 500 g of filter coffee: €5.70
  • 1 kg of Finnish potatoes: €0.90
  • 1 kg of carrots: €1.10
  • 1 kg of bananas: €1.60
  • 1 kg of apples: €1.20
  • 1 kg of oranges: €1.90
  • 500 g of grapes: €3.20

(Source: Helsingin Sanomat)

Clothing, goods and services

Clothing is slightly more expensive in Finland than in the EU on average. Many cheap clothing chains do not have shops in Finland. You should also keep in mind that you need different clothes and shoes in the summer, winter and the periods in between.

Many goods can also be bought used in Finland. Used goods are more affordable. For example, furniture and clothes can be bought in many used-goods stores and flea markets. There are also websites for selling used goods. There are many used goods available in good condition.

Housing costs in Finland

Housing costs vary a lot in Finland. On average, about one-fifth of Finns’ net income goes to housing. However, rents vary in the range of €10–30 per m². The average cost of owner-occupied homes in Finland is €2,300 per m², but homes are much more expensive in large cities. In detached houses, heating is often the largest single cost item.

You should also take out home insurance. Many landlords require it. Ask different insurance companies about their prices.

Read more about housing costs on the page Housing in Finland.


Most larger cities usually have good public transport. In smaller towns, you may need your own car. If you own a car, you must take out a motor insurance policy (liikennevakuutus). Winter tyres are mandatory in winter. Cars are also subject to tax.

Read more on the page Traffic in Finland.

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish transport and communications agency Traficom

Information on vehicle taxation