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Suomen ja ruotsin kieli Vantaalla

Finnish and Swedish in Vantaa

You can study Finnish and Swedish in Vantaa and elsewhere in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in many different places. There are courses available at many levels, both for a fee and free of charge.

Local information

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Language courses

Through the service, you can find the Finnish course that suits you best in Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo or Kauniainen. The best way to find Swedish-language courses is to use the link on the front page of the service. The courses available through the service are open to all. 

In Vantaa, Finnish and Swedish courses for immigrants are organised by the Vantaa Adult Education Centre (Vantaan aikuisopisto). The courses are open to all. The adult education centre is located in Tikkurila, but the courses are held all over Vantaa. Address:

Vantaan aikuisopisto
Lummetie 5
01300 Vantaa
Tel. (09) 8392 4342

More information on the courses and registration is available on the website and study guide of the Vantaa Adult Education Centre. The study guide is available at, for example, libraries and Vantaa Infos as well as electronically on the website of the City of Vantaa.

If you are unemployed, you can ask about Finnish language courses at the Vantaa Employment Services (Vantaan työllisyyspalvelut) or the Vantaa Skills Centre (Vantaan osaamiskeskus). The contact details can be found on the website of the City of Vantaa.

Read more: Studying Finnish and Swedish

Talk in Finnish

Vantaa libraries organise language cafés (kielikahvila), where people practise speaking Finnish. They are meant for everyone who wants to learn to speak Finnish. At language cafés, people talk in Finnish, so it is good to know some Finnish already. Language cafés are free of charge. You can ask libraries for more information about language cafés.

Finnish language discussion groups in Vantaa are also organised at the Tikkurila residents’ space and Kafnet and Myyrinki residents’ spaces (Kafnetin ja Myyringin asukastilat). There are Finnish language clubs for parents taking care of a child at home at residents’ parks (asukaspuisto) and open day-care centres (avoin päiväkoti). The discussion clubs are free of charge.

Reading instruction

The Let’s Read Together Network (Luetaan yhdessä -verkosto) offers lessons in reading and Finnish to immigrant women. There are several different Let’s Read Together groups in different parts of Vantaa. The groups are free of charge.

National Certificate of Language Proficiency

You can obtain the National Certificate of Language Proficiency in Finnish or Swedish. The website of the Finnish National Agency for Education (Opetushallitus) features a search engine that you can use to check where and when you can obtain the certificate. In Vantaa, certification examinations are held by the Vantaa Adult Education Centre (Vantaan aikuisopisto) and Axxell, for example.

Read more: Official certificate of language proficiency