Housing in Espoo
Local information
Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.
Rental home
The City of Espoo and many private persons and companies rent out homes all over Espoo. You should reserve enough time to search for an apartment and look into the different options available.
Prices of rental homes vary widely in Espoo. The price is affected by the location, size and condition of the home.
Private rental housing
It might be quicker to find an apartment from the private rental market, but the rent can be higher than in a city-owned rental flats .
You can search for private rental flats in Espoo through housing websites:
If you are under 30 years of age, you can also apply for a rental flat from NAL Asunnot or the Nuorisosäätiö foundation.
If you are a student, you can obtain a student flat in Espoo. Student flats are provided by HOAS, the Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region, and AYY, the Aalto University Student Union.
City-owned rental housing
City-owned rental apartments are usually cheaper than housing let by companies and private individuals. However, the waiting period may be long, and only a fraction of all applicants get an apartment. There is an especially high demand for small homes.
Rental homes owned by the City of Espoo are managed by Espoon Asunnot Oy. If you wish to apply for a rental dwelling, please fill in the application form on the Espoon Asunnot Oy website. If you are not able to use the internet, a paper form can also be sent to your home address.
Your need for an apartment, finances and income will determine whether you will be granted a apartment.
In order to apply for a city-owned rental apartment, you need to have a residence permit that is valid for at least one year.
The application will be valid for 3 months. If you are still searching for an apartment after 3 months, you need to fill in a new application.
Read more: Rental dwelling
Buying a home
Advertisements for available dwellings can be found online. Apartment prices in Espoo are quite high.
Read more about buying an apartment on InfoFinland page Buying a home.
Right-of-occupancy home
If you want to apply for a right-of-occupancy dwelling, you need to get a queue number. You can apply for a number on the ARA website.
Centre for State-subsidised Housing Construction
Apply for a right-of-occupancy home queue numberLink redirects to another websiteSupported and service housing
Older people or persons with disabilities sometimes find it difficult to deal with everyday tasks without assistance. People whose municipality of residence is Espoo can get help with living at home and getting around.
Older people and persons with disabilities who are unable to live independently can live in a service home, for example.
Read more: Supported and service housing
If you have questions about support services for persons with disabilities, please contact the Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County’s Disability Services.
Tel. 029 1512 425
email: vammaispalvelut.espoo-kauniainen@luvn.fi (Link opens default mail program)
Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County
Disability ServicesLink redirects to another websiteIf you have questions about services for older people, please contact Senior Info.
Tel. 029 1512 270
email: seniori-info.ita@luvn.fi (Link opens default mail program)
Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County
Senior InfoLink redirects to another websiteWaste and recycling
Read more about sorting waste on InfoFinland page Waste and recycling.
Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority
Waste and recyclingLink redirects to another websiteHomelessness
If you are at risk of becoming homeless, you can contact:
Espoo Adult Social Work
Komentajankatu 5 C
02600 Espoo
Monday to Friday at 9.00–15.00
Advisory services for social services promoting integration
tel. 043 827 3417
Emergency Social Services for undocumented persons
tel. 040 518 6687
Read more: Housing problems and Homelessness