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Työ ja yrittäjyys Kajaanissa

Work and enterprise in Kajaani


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Working in Kajaani

Read more: Work and enterprise
Kajaani offers a wide range of job opportunities.
Job search advice and support is available.
Entrepreneurship is one way to get employment.
The City of Kajaani Business services offers advice and support for different stages of business or entrepreneurial activity.

On the International Services of Kajaani website you can find general information on where to get guidance for unemployment, job search and entrepreneurship.

TE-services for foreign people in Kajaani

TE- services provides you with guidance and information on job search and unemployment.
TE-services for foreign language speakers in Kajaani are in City of Kajaani’s International Services.
Book an appointment to meet an advisor. Citizen of an EU member state, EEA member state or Switzerland can register online at Oma asiointi.You can log in to the services using your Finnish bank codes or a mobile certificate.
If you are not able to use the online services, contact the local TE-office or for guidance International Info Kajaani.
Kajaani International Info
Pohjolankatu 13 (City Hall)
87100 Kajaani

phone: +358 40 559 6732
Kajaani International Info is open until 31.7 Mon-Tues 12.00-15.00 and Wed-Thurs 9.00-12.00.
Starting from 1.8 International Info will be moved together with Kajaani Info.

Link redirects to another websiteKajaanin kaupunki

Work and enterprise in Kajaani

If you become unemployed

Read general information: If you become unemployed

Register as a jobseeker as soon as you know you are unemployed. You may receive unemployment benefit from the time when you registered as a job seeker at the TE-office. When you are registered as a job seeker an advisor from TE-office will be in contact with you.

Citizen of an EU member state, EEA member state or Switzerland can register online at Oma asiointi.You can log in to the services using your Finnish online banking credentials or a mobile certificate. If you are not able to use the online services, you may contact International Info Kajaani.

Kajaani International Info
Pohjolankatu 13 (City Hall)
87100 Kajaani

phone: +358 40 559 6732
Kajaani International Info is open until 31.7 Mon-Tues 12.00-15.00 and Wed-Thurs 9.00-12.00.
Starting from 1.8 International Info will be moved together with Kajaani Info.

Tips for job search

Search for job advertisements in many places
Job vacancies are advertised online on job search sites, recruitment agencies and companies’ own websites. Get to know the recruitment agencies in Kajaani.You can also find job advertisements in newspapers, magazines and social media.By typing” avoimet työpaikat Kajaani” or “vacancies Kajaani” in the text field of a search engine (e.g. Google), you can find links to job opportunities in Kajaani.

Contact employers of interest
Contact employers you are interested in; call, email, open job application and CV.
Many employers have a contact form on their website.
Tell them what kind of job you are interested in, what education, skills and experience you have.
If the job is not available now, it may be available later!

Talk and network
Be active and open. Talk about your job with your family and friends. You can get tips and help in finding a job.Get involved in events and meet new people. Contacts will help you to find and get a job.

Keep your job search up to date (job application, CV and job search skills)
Make sure the information on your job application and CV is correct. Make your application and CV suitable for the job you are applying for (job title and employer).You can develop and maintain your job search skills, for example by following job news and attending training and coaching courses.You can apply for training and coaching, for example through the TE services.

Keep your skills and employability up to date
You can keep your skills up to date, for example by taking up hobbies and learning new knowledge and skills.Volunteering, courses and study groups can help you keep your skills up to date.
Talk to your employment adviser about volunteering and different study opportunities.

Entrepreneurship in Kajaani

The City of Kajaani´s business services can help you at different stages of entrepreneurship and starting your business.

Link redirects to another websiteKajaanin kaupunki

City of Kajaani's business services


Read general information: Taxation

In Finland you must pay taxes from all your income. You need a tax card for that.You can apply for tax card at the tax office. You can handle your taxes also online at Omavero-service, by phone or by mail. You can log in to Omavero-services using your Finnish bank codes or a mobile certificate.
Book an appointment for services at the office.
On the Kajaani’s tax office website you can find up-to-date information about different services:
- Online services and appointments
- mailing addresses for different issues
- opening hours
Kajaani Tax office
Lönnrotinkatu 2 C
87100 Kajaani
Open: Tues-Wed 9.00-12.00

National switchboard is open from Monday to Friday between 9.00–16.15