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Vapaa-aika Kajaanissa

Leisure in Kajaani

Kajaani offers a wide range of leisure opportunities. Nature, sports, and culture are a big part of life in Kajaani.

Local information

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Read more: Leisure in Finland


In addition to the main library, Kajaani has smaller libraries throughout the municipality. The  Kippe mobile library serves customers who cannot otherwise get to the library. The library offers a wide range of services and events. In the library you can access books, magazines, films and music. You can get your own library card to borrow material to take home. You can use the library's computer and various facilities, for example for studying.  

Link redirects to another websiteKajaanin kaupunki

Libraries in Kajaani


Kajaani offers a wide range of opportunities for physical activities all year round.  The city maintains many sports facilities and organises guided sports activities.  You can exercise independently, in groups and clubs.


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Sports in Kajaani

Outdoor and nature activities

In Kajaani, nature is always close by. Parks, cycling, and hiking trails are easy ways to get out in nature.   The City of
Kajaani's website provides a wealth of information on local nature sites.

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Excursions in nature in Kajaani

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Dog parks in Kajaani

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Playgrounds in Kajaani

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Children's traffic park

Theater and cinema

Kajaani is an active theater city.
In addition to the Kajaani City Theatre, Vaara-collective and Kajaani’s amateur theatre also operate in the city. 

Kajaani has a movie theater Biorex. 

Link redirects to another websiteKajaanin teatteri

Kajaani city theater

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Kajaani amateur theater

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Biorex Kajaani

Activities for children and young people

You can find activities for children and young people on the Internet by searching for "activities for children and young people Kajaani" / ”lasten ja nuorten harrastukset Kajaani”

The City of Kajaani Youth Services organise activities for children and young people.


You can get familiar with volunteer work opportunities in Kajaani from website  Vapaaehtoistyö.fi.
You can find more information online. Type  ”vapaaehtoistoiminta Kajaani” or ”vapaaehtoistyö Kajaani” to the search bar. 
You can find out more about volunteering opportunities in Kajaani at Vapaaehtoityö.fi

Associations and clubs

You can search for associations in Kajaani on the internet: ”yhdistykset Kajaani”.