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Perhe Kauniaisissa

Family in Kauniainen


Local information

Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.


Before getting married, you must request in writing an investigation of possible impediments to the marriage. This investigation is performed at the local register office.

Read more: Getting married in Finland, a check list

Early childhood education

Read more about children’s day care on the InfoFinland page Education in Kauniainen.

Looking after a child at home

If you care for your child at home, you can take part in the open family activities organised by the City of Kauniainen. They provide an opportunity to meet other families with children.

Problems in a family

Problems in marriage and relationships

If you have marriage or relationships problems, you can contact parenting guidance and family counselling. The service is intended for families with children.

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Parenting guidance and family counselling


If you need urgent police assistance in an emergency, call the emergency number 112.

If a member of your family uses violence against you or threatens to do so, you can contact a shelter.

MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association offers a national helpline for immigrant women who have experienced violence.
Tel. 0800 05058

Miehen linja (Men’s Line) is a service that helps immigrant men who have problems with violent behaviour.
Tel. 044 751 1334
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Link redirects to another websitePääkaupungin Turvakoti ry

Help for victims of domestic violence

Children’s and young people’s problems

The family centre offers many services for families with children. You can also receive support in matters related to parenting and your children’s upbringing.

If a young person feels it is not safe to be at home, they can contact the Youth Emergency Shelter of the Finnish Red Cross. The shelter is located in Leppävaara.

Youth Emergency Shelter
Läkkisepänkuja 2 A 14
02650 Espoo

Tel. 09 8195 5360
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Family centre

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Information about health care for school-age children


Women and men can file for divorce at the office of the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa. You can also file for divorce alone, without the consent of your spouse. 

District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa
Maarintie 4
02150 Espoo
Tel. 029 564 4000
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Read more: Divorce

Children in a divorce

If you and your spouse have children and are planning to divorce, make an appointment to see a child supervisor (lastenvalvoja). The child supervisor will confirm an agreement on living arrangements, custody, visitation rights and child maintenance support.

Read more: Children in a divorce


When a close family member dies in Finland

If a person close to you dies suddenly and you need support, you can contact Espoo Social and Crisis Emergency Services (Espoon sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystys), Tel. 029 151 2221.

The City of Kauniainen has its own cemetery in the Kasavuori area. It is intended for city residents.

Read more: When a close family member dies in Finland