Supported and service housing
Supported and service housing are available to
- the elderly
- the disabled
- the mentally disabled
- those recovering from mental and drug abuse problems.
Supported and service housing are offered by the wellbeing services counties, organisations and private entrepreneurs.
Apply for supported and service housing through the services for older people (ikäihmisten palvelut) or the services for disabled persons (vammaisten palvelut) in your area.
Supported housing
A person living in supported housing copes with everyday tasks almost independently. The amount of support depends on the needs of the resident. Supported housing may refer to a dwelling owned by the resident, a rental dwelling or some other housing type.
The duration of supported housing depends on the resident’s own needs and situation in life. The purpose is for the residents to organise their lives during supported housing well enough to be able to transfer to independent living.
People recovering from drug abuse or mental problems
People recovering from drug abuse or mental problems are eligible to apply for supported housing. Supported housing provides help for learning to live independently and support for recovering from the problems.
InfoFinland webpage Substance dependence contains more information on where you can get help if you, your friend or your family member is having problems with intoxicants.
Service housing
Service housing is a housing type meant for people who need constant help but not institutional care.
Service housing contains both the dwelling and housing-related services. The resident accounts for the costs of housing him/herself. Service housing can be organised in regular dwellings, service homes, service blocks or other housing forms. A resident will live in his/her own dwelling and receive services for being able to live there.
Such services may include, for example, domestic aid, meal service, services related to personal hygiene, various security services and health care services.
The elderly
Senior citizens in need of daily outside help and support are eligible for service housing. The resident can him/herself decide how much help the service housing contains.
Disabled persons
Service housing is organised for such a disabled person who, due to his/her disability or illness, needs help in coping with everyday tasks.
InfoFinland webpage Services for disabled persons contains more information on services available to disabled people.
Costs of service housing
The costs of service housing depend on who provides the service. Service housing is offered both by the wellbeing services counties and private companies. There is great variation in the prices and services.
When applying for service housing, you should find out the actual cost. It is advisable to compare publicly-owned and private service homes. The resident pays for the accommodation and services themselves if able to do so. In order to find out more about housing options, you can contact the services for older people or services for disabled persons in your area.