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Vammaiset ihmiset

Disabled persons

Finnish law states that a disabled person must not be discriminated against because of his or her disability. A disabled person has the right to live a normal life, for example, to study, work and start a family. Finland is also committed to the UN treaty on the rights of persons with disabilities.

In Finland, there are many services that can help you in your everyday life with a disability or illness. These services include, for example, transport and assistant services. If you have a municipality of residence in Finland, you are entitled to apply for these services. Read more on the InfoFinland page Services for disabled persons.

Associations for the disabled

There are several organisations in Finland which strive to improve the status of the disabled in society. These organisations can provide you with advice and assistance on, for example, how to apply for services. They also often provide leisure time activities and peer support to persons of all ages. Contact information for these organisations is available on the Vammaisfoorumi disability forum website.

Hilma, the Support Centre for Immigrant Persons with Disabilities, also operates in Finland. It provides service coordination and counselling for disabled immigrants and persons with chronic diseases.

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